The Strafford County Republican Committee invites you to become an active participant with us in helping to elect Republicans in Strafford County.

Towns in Strafford County include Barrington, Dover, Durham, Farmington, Lee, Madbury, Middleton, Milton, New Durham, Rochester, Rollinsford, Somersworth, and Strafford.

Please consider participating in the SCRC and attending our monthly meetings.

– For More Information: info@straffordcountyrepublicans.org
Sign up for our Read-Only Mailing List to get notices of our meetings and other events.

Strafford County Republican Committee
PO Box 1282
Dover, NH 03821

Consider coming to our next meeting… you will be most welcome!

If you can’t join now, please sign up for our Read-Only Mailing List to get important information about what is happening in the great state of New Hampshire. These are important issues that affect all of us.


The Strafford County Republican Committee will promote both the NH GOP and the National GOP party platforms, help elect Republicans to local, state, and national offices, keep its membership informed of the issues facing NH, and promote Republicanism in general.



Chairman: Ken Hilton
Vice Chair: Rep. Kelley Potenza
Treasurer: Carol Petrusewicz
Secretary: Jenny Wilson

City and Town Chair Contact List

Barrington/Strafford Republican Town Committee
Chair: Frank Natale – fnatale102709@gmail.com
Vice Chair: Michael Houst
Secretary: Tanya Rich
Treasurer: Esther Sawyer

Dover City Committee
Chair: Shawn Mickelonis – mickelonisfornhsenate@gmail.com
Vice Chair: Matthew Albion
Secretary: Diane McCombie
Treasurer: Joseph Morganella

Oyster River Regional Republican Committee
(includes Durham, Lee and Madbury)
Chair: TBD
Secretary: TBD
Treasurer: TBD

Rochester Regional Republican Committee
(includes Farmington, Middleton, Milton and New Durham)
Chair: Carlton Cooper, rochesterrepublicans@outlook.com
Vice Chair: Erik White
Secretary: MaryAnn Plass
Treasurer: Phillip Jasak

Rollinsford/Somersworth Republican Committee
Chair: TBD
Vice Chair: TBD
Secretary: Jessica Spooner
Treasurer: Jessica Spooner

County Committee Members 2025-2026

For your information, click HERE for a complete list of the 46 elected VOTING members of the 2025-2026 State and County committee.

Strafford County GOP ByLaws

Current Bylaws Adopted 2012, Amended September 26, 2015, and March 14, 2020

The Strafford County Republican Committee will promote both the NH GOP and the National GOP party platforms, help elect Republicans to local, state, and national offices, keep its membership informed of the issues facing NH, and promote Republicanism in general.

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