Rep. Kelley Potenza

At the January 2025 NH Republican State Committee annual meeting, NH GOP awarded Rochester Representative Kelley Potenza the prestigious Norris Cotton Award for outstanding work in both the local party organization and the NH Republican Party. Not only did she receive...

Rochester Ward 4 City Councilor David Walker

Rochester Ward 4 City Councilor David Walker voted “no” on a grass height proposed ordinance at a recent City Council meeting, preventing overreaching ordinances on the City of Rochester. Thank you, Councilor Walker, for protecting unnecessary...

Hold School Officials Accountable

READ AND SIGN FORM HERE Please review this very important document drafted by our state reps (Kelley and others) to hold school officials (Dover 1st and then others) accountable for instituting their political agendas with age-inappropriate books, social emotional...

Take Action on HB75 and HB270

At a recent SCRC meeting, we discussed HB270, the bill to correct the lack of County Commission districts in Strafford County. And a later there was a follow-up discussion where it was revealed that the House committee voted to retain the bill, thus kicking the can...

November 8 Election Results

You can find the results for your town at the Secretary of State’s website. NH Ballot Measures 1. Abolish Register of Probate – NO 2. Convene Constitutional Convention – NO Neither got the required 2/3% required to pass.

NH Victory Office Grand Opening

NH Victory Office Grand Opening Saturday at 9:00 AM Hello, everyone! I am excited to announce that we have our NH Victory Office Grand Opening this Saturday at 9:00 AM at 115 Highland St in Rochester! We will be getting together to celebrate before knocking on doors...


The Strafford County Republican Committee will be meeting on Saturday, January 9th at the Washington Street location, details to follow. Please check your mailing list messages. Happy New Year! Phyllis Woods, Chairman Strafford County Republican...

Strafford County Election Results

Strafford County numbers as of now: +3 net gain, which erases our 2018 net loss of 3. Rochester is where most of the action happened: Earlier numbers from last night showed us with a +4 net gain county-wide, having Harrison deBree winning by *1* vote in St-7...

Sign Wave Success!

Rochester Sign Wave! We had over 50 people last week so let’s try to make this even larger. Sunday @ 10:30 in the same location as last week. (South Main/ Columbus intersection. Please no parking at the Walgreens. We provide some signs and have some giveaways. Thank...

Election Day Operations Volunteers Needed

From SRW : The following message is from Chelsea Barnett, New Hampshire State Director, Election Day Operations: We are less than 33 days from Election Day. In case you haven’t heard, we have a team building a robust Election Day Operations in New Hampshire....